Untitled Sonnet

By Categories: POETRY
Lo! How thou controls the rhyme of dream.
Methinks you have the poison; plague me with my wit! Oh god of might, my eye do bear strange a stream ,
The visions false, woe, madness is a pit.
I hast fallen, lord, upon the devil of disguise
Since I had pregnant with the spawn of her, oh, for his sake,
I beg of you, enlarge me. I warrant thou bathes in the blood of my sighs.
Beloved venom, arteries of mine are stainéd with ink, how I ache!
Is it a madman feel as lightning has their brain struck?
Tumultuous thunder do dampen eyes, makes me weep
Bestow upon me brilliance, and that along with merry luck.
I now know that she is but a noir raven and I, a silver sheep.
Fair demon, leave me wallowing in mud an thou shall save me not. Away!
Alas, gay hope, the tree was my decay.